Google Plus business profile structure infographic

Google Plus is a social networking platform that is growing, do not worry about those believing it is a ghost town. G Plus is a network you should really consider building your business profile, and the infographic below explains why.

In a short space of time, Google Plus has undergone a meteoric rise on the social media scene, and now occupies a position directly alongside the titans of the game, Twitter and Facebook. The reality is that if you own a business, and you are failing to incorporate Google Plus into your strategies, then you are missing out on a substantial degree of website traffic, and a potential rise in your site’s visibility within search engines.

Google Plus business profile structure infographic

Why should I build a Google Plus business profile?

Google Plus so far has over 300 million users and climbing, it is a growing platform with 42% interacting with brands content, 70% of the top 100 brands use Google Plus, 40% of marketers use it, 22% online adults are on there. Google’s social network has a 33% growth rate each year and 50% of users sign in on a daily basis.

Google Plus can aid your business in many ways, first up is Visibility: By having Google Plus connected to your business website can increase overall SERP rank. Engagement: Circles and Communities allow you to promote your content to a large, targeted audience who are more likely to engage with your material. : Get accurate and up to date information by linking your Google Plus account with Insights, and then there is Informative: Use G Plus to display current information to your clients, which will in turn exhibit this information via Google and raise your chances of being interacted with.

When you start your business profile always build it well, start with a background image that is relevant to what you do. This image should be pleasing on the eye to those that visit and MUST convey something about your company. The profile image should be a professional photo of you or even your company logo, and do not forget the about me description.

Learn more about how Google Plus can build your business, the infographic by Just SEO explains more about Hangouts, Circles, Communities, there is even a section explaining how each Google Plus feature can help you ascertain business such as ‘Create & Manage’, ‘Target Audience’ and much more.

Google Plus business profile structure infographic pic 1

  • The Lenawee Trekker

    Let’s say you do have 300 million users. Well in order to restore my You Tube channel, I had to sign up for google plus. I did so not because I wanted to but to restore the channel and the comments which were hi-jacked by google plus.
    Back to the 300 million users. To get the afore mentioned channel back up to snuff, I started a g- account in my channels name, but it also started one with my personal name without my permission. That’s two of 300 million.
    Most of those 300 million users are in fact shanghaied You Tube users who just want to communicate with their on line friends in the comments section.
    So of those 300 million users, if like me they have two accounts, than we find only 150 million actual users of google plus. Now add to the fact that many users have as many as five, six, or more accounts, in various different names, than the actual numbers of users are further reduced from 150 million users.
    I think, I have made my point. No further math need be bent or twisted as google plus does